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  • 商品名称:道路自信 人类史上大国兴盛新模式(英文)
  • 商品编号:11755920
  《道路自信 人类史上大国兴盛新模式(英文)》通过对胡鞍钢、高梁、向文波、金一南等当代中国及海外有影响力的思想界精英和相关领域专家的采访,对“中国模式”做了前沿、有启示性的阐释。被访者从各自的视角、专业对“中国模式”进行了分析解读,总结了共和国60多年的发展道路和发展经验,分析中国在今天世界政治经济中的地位以及面对的机遇和挑战,展望人类未来的发展方向和中国将为世界所作贡献。
Why We Sing of Chinas Development
The Chinese Road: The Road to Modernization for the People's Republic of China
The Chinese Road Has Presented Unprecedented Challenges to the Western Model
The Factor of Socialism Is the Accelerator for Achieving Modernization
If China Is to Influence the World, It Needs Consciousness, Confidence and Standards
"To Achieve Prosperity for All the People" Is Chinas True Aim
A Spiral Road That Accords with the "Posing Challenges - Accepting Challenges" Model

Straighten the Spine of Chinas Industry
The Chinese Role in Economic Globalization
The Cornerstone Has Been Laid in the First Th.ir ty Years of New China
Introduction, Digestion and Assimilation of Equipment Must Be Organized Only by the Central Government
Without Key Industry,China Cannot Be a Genuine Major Power
Treat State Industrial Progress and Economic Security as the Top Priorities
Be Strong and Smart

We Can Only Rely on Ourselves to Realize the Dream of Building a Strong Country
Educate Chinese People in the Truth about "Globalization"
Far from Offering a Bargain, We Shouldn't Sell XCMG at Any Price
Industrial Security Lays the Foundations for the Realization of"Created in China"
I Am Full of Confidence in China's Economic Development
Our Country Should Provide a Fair Climate of Competition for Private Enterprises

Historic Breakthroughs in China's Healthcare Reform
The Outbreak ofSARS - A Crucial Turning Point in Chinas Development
Progress in the World's Healthcare System Stems from Valuable Experiences of Socialism
China Must Draw Lessons from US Healthcare Reform
The Anhui Model of Healthcare Reform Saves the Healthcare Reform in China
Healthcare Reform at the Grass-roots Level - A Great Example of Social Reform
Healthcare Reform in China: From Up to Down and Learning by Doing

Strategic Considerations of China's Diplomacy over the Past Six Decades
Historic Missions and Objectives Defined by Chinese People
Reasons Why the US Refused to Recognize New China
Historical and Realistic Causes of the "Leaning to One Side" Policy
The Two-sided Effects of"Opposing Hegemony of Two Superpowers"
Mao Zedong Begins Integrating China with the Rest of the World
The Establishment and Development of "All-round" Diplomacy
Chinas Diplomatic Strategy in the Past and in the Future

The Chinese Dream: From "National Salvation" to "National Renewal"
Applying Marxism to China
Hard-won Victory for the CPC
The Power of Great Men
Building on the Past
  《道路自信 人类史上大国兴盛新模式(英文)》:
  The country's history since the founding of New China in 1949 tells us that success in building sound development strategies is the greatest success and that failUfe in building sound development strategies is the greatest failure. So the key problem is how to ensure successful decision making and prevent mistakes.
  The evolution of China's decision-making mecharusm shows that the past 30 years were the best, most stable and most effective period in the country's history, marking a change from personal policy-making in the Mao era to collective decision-making in the Deng era that has remained to this day, from closed to open decision-making, from individual, internal decision-making to decision-making with public participation and expert consultation. Reform and operung up has proven that collective, scientific decision-making with public participation and expert consultation ensured our great success in the past 30
  years, and will be a guarantee for even greatef success in the 30 years to come.
  Maya: Since 2008, in response to the finanaal crisis and economic slowdown, the central leaders of China have exhibited leadership skills, decision-making power and power of execution, which has impressed Western decision-makers.
  Hu Angang: China's collective decision-making system is different from the presidential system of the United States. The CPC leadership group is comprised of outstanding statesmen with capability in running the Party, country and army Unlike presidents and prime ministers of some other countries who are elected through political campaigns and often present political theater rather than any gemune achievements, Chinese leaders accumulate skills in practice, afe politically firm, strong, energetic and promising. This group of Chirese statesmen, with its high-calibef members and solidarity, is a decisive factor in China's trailblazing path to soaalist moderruzation and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
  But look at the United States in recent years, and we will find that its presidential system is typical of individual autocracy and dictatorship. When George W. Bush was in power, he himself decided to launch the war in Afghanistan and the Iraq War in the name of fighting terrorism, decisions that were obviously stupid mistakes. In his eight years in office, the largest negative externality of the US was "exporting" the financial crisis to over 200 countries and regions around the world, but George W. Bush even did not say "I'm sorry, I was wrong" before leaving fus post. Th/s was a typical case of the failure of the US presidential system, and the mistake was repeated again and again. Why should Cluna follow suit when this system regularly reveals its own shortcomings?
  I have already quoted Deng's words: "We can neither copy the ways of other countries nor afford to give up the advantages of our own system. Mechanical application of foreign experience will get us nowhere," Our mechanical application of the Soviet planned economy model failed; if we copy Western political models, we will not succeed either. Experience and lessons from ancient and modern history, from China and foreign countries, have shown that only the road of independent innovation and development based on China's national conditions is the road to success. To ensure success and prevent failures in defining development strategies in the future, China must adhere to its innovative, unique system under which deasions are made by collective leadership of the Party and government.
  • 著者玛雅
  • 译者外文出版社英文编部
  • 出版社外文出版社
  • ISBN9787119093307
  • 版次1
  • 包装平装
  • 开本13
  • 出版时间2015-07-01
  • 用纸胶版纸
  • 页数196
  • 正文语种英文

